Jujitsu —
For every strong person, there is a special Jujitsu — Yevgeny Yevtushenko
This is a must-read to follow this article— https://educationalstorehouse.wordpress.com/2013/03/23/a-special-jiu-jitsu-by-yevegeny-yevtushenko/
Life, a question for some, a mystery for many, and a quest for others. But regardless of how we treat it, there is only one certainty in life, and that it goes on.
While it is true that for many of us that life often feels too abominable, we must have an indomitable testament to live through the ridicule. And how to do it really? This has been a question since the dawn of time. Many great philosophers with time have answered it. Some did it with joy, and some, with the fear of a whip (by whom? Maybe greeks could answer).
But the most important of recent times was given by “Yevgeny Yevtushenko”.
Like Yevgeny Yevtushenko’s antagonist — “Red” we all have something that mocks incessantly — even for writing praiseworthy poems as the one author wrote. It is also true that sometimes “Red” and his knuckle-duster can crush us to the ground and make us bleed, but, we must and must really follow the author here.
There is all certainty that Red is strong, knuckle-duster stronger and with his lieutenants, he's only the strongest. But what we must not forget is we are not the mercy of the street, we are the very author of the essay, and hence, we must find a “Jujitsu”. For some, Jujitsu is a book elucidating all detail on martial arts like the one in the story, but, in actuality, it can be anything bolsters our will to continue through the horrors of the night.
While we can draw motivation from many things, it did happen that I gained the best kind of motivation from a great set of friends and acquaintances filled with vigor. Friends can often be the one deciding factor of who we would be. And, as they say we are often an average of 5 people we are often surrounded by. Having worked consciously on this, it is now my set of friends that are my Jujitsu!
With that, I continue to cut through the fears in the dreadful days and cheer through the grumbling aches. And if the world wants to bully me into ruins, like Red, I’ve got my Jujitsu! and yes! For every strong man, there is a special Jujitsu!